A man needs brothers that can challenge him to become a better man. A man that takes responsibility in every sphere of life.
A man needs brothers who are always there. Someone who can support him in good and bad times.
A man needs brothers who stir him into living a life of purpose. To not settle for less, but continue to grow in life.
A man needs brothers who allow him to be real and fully himself, with no need to wear a mask.
A man needs brothers he can safely pursue a deeper and meaningful friendship with.
A man needs brothers who he can enjoy life and all its adventures with.
Our often narrow perception of what it is to be a "real man" has hindered many men from connecting with themselves and the ones around them.
Genuine friendships between men have in many cases been neglected, ridiculed or dulled down to a shallow hang-out.
Many guys avoid closeness in their friendships as a result of our culture's sexualization of love.
The topic of men's friendships is important. Unfortunately it is a topic that many get put off by, or find awkward to talk about.
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